If you’re eager to kickstart your career in Social Media Management, there are several paths you can explore. Before you dive into this exciting field, it’s essential to have a clear idea of what a day in the life of a Social Media Manager entails. You can find more insights on this topic in our blog post about “A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager” [insert hyperlink].

The Classical Path

Universities and Schools

If you’re fortunate enough to discover your career aspirations before attending university, consider choosing a specialty that aligns with the world of social media. Communication and digital marketing are the most sought-after degrees by recruiters. To help you get started, here is a list of universities, communication, and Business Schools in the Paris region:

It’s worth noting that you don’t necessarily have to enroll in a dedicated social media option to succeed in this field. Any education in marketing and communication can provide you with a solid foundation. These institutions can also be valuable if you’re interested in branching out into related fields such as PR and events.

The Internship

While it might seem obvious, considering the competitiveness of this field, internships in social media during your university years can make a significant difference. I understand that accumulating similar experiences might sound repetitive, but diversifying your experiences by working in various industries or with companies of different sizes can be incredibly beneficial.

Indeed, there are numerous social media platforms and communication strategies that vary based on these parameters. University is an excellent time to experiment with these differences. You’ll be surprised by how distinct the daily routines of a social media manager working for a large corporation and one working at an agency can be. By the time you graduate, you’ll be able to showcase your commitment to exploring what truly drives you, while simultaneously demonstrating months or even years of valuable experience.

The Self-Made Social Media Manager

If you realize your passion for social media management after university or at a later stage in your adult life, don’t panic; there’s still a path to gain experience and catch the eye of recruiters.

Take matters into your own hands! The most effective way to prove your knowledge of social media is by creating and growing your personal social media page. Admittedly, this route can be challenging, especially initially, as you may not receive immediate compensation. However, if you’re passionate about it, you can start gradually in your free time until your reputation precedes you.

The Social Media Platforms

There is another piece of advice I’d like to share regardless of the path you choose to get your career started: 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube – the list of available platforms today is extensive. One more piece of advice is to determine your favorite platform. Each platform utilizes unique communication techniques, such as the conciseness of short tweets versus the video format of YouTube. Different platforms cater to distinct target audiences. Therefore, it’s essential to become an expert in at least one of them while maintaining a strong foundational knowledge of the most prominent ones.

Social media management is a genuine profession, and building a robust expertise takes time, regardless of your background. Be persistent and trust the process. If you’re eager to learn more about structuring your social media strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out!